Thursday, February 7, 2013


“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
―Dr. Seuss
I saw this quote and realized that I have not yet been in love. I have stayed awake because of a girl, but not really for the same reason. One day I hope to meet the girl of my dreams so that she doesn't have to continue living in my head. I want to drag her out of my head like a magician pulls rabbits out of his hat. Having another person constantly in my mind is giving me headaches and I need to relieve the tension that has been building in my mind. I need to meet this girl and convince her that it is okay to not stay in my head. That she needs to come out so I can finally meet her and get rid of this headache.


  1. I must not be in love either, cause I'm tired.

  2. "One day I hope to meet the girl of my dreams so that she doesn't have to continue living in my head."
    haha so true! well when the night comes that she is not in your dreams look for her tomorrow!

  3. stolen. I like the Joker for these reasons.
